List My Rental

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Fill out the form below and submit to list your RV, commercial trailer, watercraft, off-road vehicle or luxury car. Please add 10 pics of your rental.
Someone will contact you upon receipt of your form within 48 hours to request any additional information. Thank you

List my Rental
(First and Last)
Address (for rental pickup / return) *
Address (for rental pickup / return)
When is the best time for renters to pick up? *
When is the best time for renters to return? *

Maximum file size: 5MB

· Owner maintains the service and safety of his/her rental · Owner agrees to a 20% fee for anything made through this website. · Owner agrees to meet with the renter at their desired location · Owner considers using MBA insurance as their main insurance company so that the renters can purchase supplemental insurance at $11 per day while renting out their rental · Owner agrees that if they are listing on other sites that QTR will be notified via email of any bookings immediately to avoid double bookings on this website · Owner agrees that if they fail to notify QTR of any other bookings and a double booking takes place they are subject to being removed from the website * Owner agrees that they have 72 hours to email the check in sheet of their rental upon return to receive any compensation if any that needs to be deducted from the renters security deposit, or full security deposit will be refunded to the renter
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